Model Diana

If you are a casting agent, art director, television producer any other kind of talent scout and you like to book one of our beautiful models, please get in touch with us. Most of our models are available for commercial modelling jobs or any kind of tv presence, fashion shows, magazines or events. Our models are reliable, highly motivated and ready to travel for your needs.

Book Diana

  • Private License: All photo sets, videos and DVD downloads of this model are available for download in the Members Area. Please login to our members section.
  • Commercial License: Only on special request with written permission of the model.
    Please get in touch with us for details and quote.

Residence 德国
Age 27岁
Eye Colour 褐色
Hair Colour 黑色
Amputation 膝关节以上
Cause 癌症

Diana15年前失去了她的脚。为了拯救她的性命,医生替她进行了截肢手术。Diana喜欢鱼类及过山车,她也是一位非常有活力的女孩。她喜欢的颜色是红色,她喜欢的食物是有橄榄的pizza。 她也喜欢去派对,在那边,她可以和朋友玩得很开心。

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