Model Karina

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Réserver Karina

  • Licence privée : Tous les ensembles de photos, vidéos et DVD téléchargeables de ce modèle sont disponibles pour téléchargement dans la section Membres. Veillez vous connecter dans notre section des membres.
  • Licence commerciale : Uniquement sur demande spéciale avec l'autorisation écrite du modèle.
    Veillez prendre contact avec nous pour plus de détails et un devis.

Résidence Romania
Âge 30 Years
Couleur de l'œil Green
Coloration des cheveux Black
Amputation Above Knee Amputation
Cause Accident

Karina was involved in a road traffic accident 4 years ago and as a result lost her left leg at mid-thigh. At first, she was unable to accept her disability, but while she was in hospital she met some other girls, who had gone through the same experience and they gave her encouragement and hope. Karina quickly came to realise that a disability does not mean that life is over. She was fitted with a prosthesis, but finds it easier and quicker to walk on crutches. She finds that people react positively to her when they see her on the street and she often receives encouraging comments and even admiring glances. We have noticed these reactions ourselves, when have been out together and think that it greatly depends on how open and confident a person is in dealing with their handicap. By taking part in a shooting, Karina has shown that she is a very strong and self confident young woman.

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