Model Jen

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Бронировать Jen

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Место проживания USA
Возраст 21 Years
Цвет глаз Brown
Цвет волос Brown
Ампутация Double above knee amputation
Причина born that way

Jen is an active gymnast and has been a member of her school’s softball, volleyball and basketball teams. She also volunteers at the Lighthouse Mission as a member of her church’s youth group. Jennifer has been in Future Business Leaders of America, Education Talent Search and prom committee. She says, "People want to see that their leaders are just like them.". Despite being born without legs Jen always had a passion for tumbling and gymnastics. Throughout her life she competed in power tumbling for four years, volleyball for two years, and softball for three years, none of which were handicap sports. After graduating high school Jen decided to move to Orlando, Florida to work for Walt Disney World. After being in Florida almost a year Jen met Nate, little did she know he would be introducing her to a whole new life as an acrobat. Ever since Jen and Nate met they have been training and working on new acts to inspire and motivate. Jen's athletic achievements were featured on Extra, The Maury Povich Show, Arabella (Germany's renown talk show) and even America's got Talent in 2009. Performing with Nate has obliterated any limit Jen ever thought she had. She enjoys her stage performances tremendously and lives for these special moments. Jen is a great inspiration for people in the same situation. We had, except for our shooting and some great real life recordings with Jen, the honour of making an amazing acrobatic special of Jen and Nate which we will release in the near future.

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