Если вы подбираете участников кастинга, выступаете в роли продюсера или занимаетесь поиском талантов, а также хотите нанять одну из наших очаровательных моделей, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Большая часть наших моделей готовы работать в рамках коммерческого контракта, а также принимать участие в телевизионных съемках, модных мероприятиях и событиях для модных журналов. Наши модели отличаются пунктуальностью, высоким уровнем мотивации, а также готовностью отправиться к месту проведения мероприятия по вашему требованию.
Место проживания | Croatia |
Возраст | 18 Years |
Цвет глаз | Brown |
Цвет волос | Dark Brown |
Ампутация | Below Elbow Amputation |
Причина | Born like this |
Marcela is 18 years old and was born without her left hand. As she has never known anything different, she does not think of herself as handicapped. As a child at school she had to learn to deal with funny looks and comments from other children, but these experiences only made her tougher and gave the grit and determination to achieve whatever goals she set for herself. She would never let any situation get the better of her and would find a solution for every problem. She learnt to face problems head-on and never take the easy way out. We admire Marcela for her strength of character and for the open and friendly way she deals with people. She took part in this shooting because she wants to help other people in a similar position to herself and show them that there is no reason for them to hide their disabilities. In doing so, she has proved herself to be a courageous and outstanding person.