Model Sydney

Ako ste agent za kasting, umetnički direktor, televizijski producent ili lovac na talente i želite da unajmite jedan od naših prelepih modela, molimo vas da stupite u kontakt sa nama. Većina naših modela dostupna je za poslove komercijalnog modelinga i bilo kakvo pojavljivanje na televiziji, modnim revijama, u časopisima ili na događaja. Naši modeli su pouzdani, veoma motivisani i spremni da putuju.

Zakažite Sydney

  • Privatna dozvola: Svi setovi fotografija, videa i DVD preuzimanja za ovaj model su dostupna za preuzimanje u Prostoru za članove. Molimo vas da se prijavite u naš odeljak za članove.
  • Komercijalna dozvola: Samo na poseban zahtev uz pismeno odobrenje modela.
    Molimo vas da nam se obratite za detalje i cenu.

Prebivalište Arizona/USA
Starost 21 Years
Boja očiju Brown
Boja kose Brown
Vrsta amputacije Above Knee Amputation
Uzrok Illness

Sydney was diagnosed with a malignant bone tumor at the age of 8. As a result her left leg had to be amputated just below the hip. As her stump is very short she uses a prosthesis with a hip socket which is attached with a belt around her waist. Sydney has adapted to this uncomfortable prosthesis and it doesn't bother her any more even though she walks with a pronounced limp. People often stare at her but this is something she has also get used to. This is also a reason why she contacted us about being a model. Sydney comes from Arizona/USA and is used to the heat so that even in our studio which sometimes reached 30°C she found it chilly. In the few days that she was with us in Germany she has had a lot of interesting experiences which she says she will remember for the rest of her life. She was very delighted with the results of the photo shoot and to be one of our models and to prove to the world that someone with an amputation can also be a supermodel. She wants to be an example for others in a similar situation and send out a clear message that no one needs to hide if they have a disabilty.

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