Si usted es un agente de casting, director de arte, productor de tv o cualquier otro tipo de scout de talento y desea agendar con una de nuestras bellas modelos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros. La mayoría de nuestras modelos se encuentran disponibles para trabajos de modelaje comercial o cualquier tipo de presencia en tv, shows de modas, revistas o eventos. Nuestras modelos son confiables, muy motivadas y están listas para viajar en cualquier momento.
Residencia | Great Britain |
Edad | 32 Years |
Color de Ojos | Blue |
Color de Cabello | Blonde |
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada | Multiple Amputation |
Causa | Illness |
Clare has had a long painful journey. She lost both legs to a terrible disease and for many years had to take powerful painkillers to get through the day. But she wouldn’t let it get her down and always fought back. In the meantime, she is married with children. Clare is a fun-loving open person, who in spite of her handicap never gives up. She loves to inspire others and we admire her for her zest for life and strong personality. She has proved that it pays to fight and never to give up, no matter how great the challenge.