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Residencia | Hungary |
Edad | 18 Years |
Color de Ojos | Brown |
Color de Cabello | Brown |
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada | Both legs above the knee, some fingers on both hands |
Causa | Born like this |
Fanni comes from Hungary and is 18 years old. She was born without a right leg and a badly deformed left leg. She is also missing fingers on both hands. The surgeons recommended the amputation of her deformed left leg to make it easier to fit a fully functional prosthesis. This seemed to be the only choice, so her left leg was amputated at mid-thigh level. In spite of her handicap, Fanni does not let the problems she has to face overwhelm her. She tries to lead a normal life and does not consider herself handicapped. She is a keen swimmer and represented Hungary successfully at the last Paralympics. She has taken part in numerous swimming competitions, winning medals at all levels in national and international events. In Peking in 2008, she managed a seventh place. Fanni is a very open and outgoing person and likes to meet people. She finds herself perfectly normal and just ignores the strange and curious looks she sometimes gets. One of the reasons Fanni took part in this Photo-shoot was because she believes that it will encourage other people in a similar situation and will show them that there is no reason to hide a disability. It is perfectly possible for anyone to achieve all their goals in life, if they have the willpower and determination. In the words of Barack Obama: "Yes, we can!" We admire Fanni very much for her courage and warm personality and will help her in future in getting better prosthetics.