Si usted es un agente de casting, director de arte, productor de tv o cualquier otro tipo de scout de talento y desea agendar con una de nuestras bellas modelos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros. La mayoría de nuestras modelos se encuentran disponibles para trabajos de modelaje comercial o cualquier tipo de presencia en tv, shows de modas, revistas o eventos. Nuestras modelos son confiables, muy motivadas y están listas para viajar en cualquier momento.
Residencia | USA |
Edad | 21 Years |
Color de Ojos | Blue |
Color de Cabello | Blonde |
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada | Below Knee Amputation |
Causa | Illness |
Mariah is a fashion designer from America. She was born with a deformed foot and suffered greatly in her childhood and early school years, especially by the cruelty of other children. Mariah was permanently in pain. In 2009 she took the decision to have her lower left leg amputated, so that she could have a prosthesis and wear high heeled shoes. This photo-shooting has given her career a boost and in the meantime she has become a very successful Instagram and Lifestyle Blogger and a fine role model for others in a similar situation.