Si usted es un agente de casting, director de arte, productor de tv o cualquier otro tipo de scout de talento y desea agendar con una de nuestras bellas modelos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros. La mayoría de nuestras modelos se encuentran disponibles para trabajos de modelaje comercial o cualquier tipo de presencia en tv, shows de modas, revistas o eventos. Nuestras modelos son confiables, muy motivadas y están listas para viajar en cualquier momento.
Residencia | Serbia |
Edad | 42 Years |
Color de Ojos | Brown |
Color de Cabello | Black |
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada | Above Knee Amputation |
Causa | Illness |
Mirja's left leg was so badly deformed at birth that they had to be amputated some centimeters below her hip. But she was quite happy that she still has a short stump left for her prosthetic leg. From time to time, she uses her prosthetic leg, but finds it difficult to walk on it for long periods. Mostly, she finds that she can get around better with crutches. Her favourite food is Pizza. Mirja likes to go to the cinema and she also enjoys reading and going to parties, where she can meet and talk to her friends. She is generally a fun loving, happy go lucky girl.