Si usted es un agente de casting, director de arte, productor de tv o cualquier otro tipo de scout de talento y desea agendar con una de nuestras bellas modelos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros. La mayoría de nuestras modelos se encuentran disponibles para trabajos de modelaje comercial o cualquier tipo de presencia en tv, shows de modas, revistas o eventos. Nuestras modelos son confiables, muy motivadas y están listas para viajar en cualquier momento.
Residencia | Ungarn |
Edad | 18 Years |
Color de Ojos | Blue |
Color de Cabello | Blonde |
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada | Hand Amputation |
Causa | born like that |
Nika was born without her left hand, but is a very happy young woman. Of course, there were many occasions at school when she had to deal with prejudice and discrimination. By taking part in a photo-shooting with us, she would like to prove to herself and show the world that even with only one hand, it is possible to be happy. Nika leads a perfectly normal life and is irritated when stare at her arm stump. She feels perfectly normal and does not want to be pitied. Some people are fat, others wear glasses or are bald. In her photo-shooting, Nika wants to show that people with a handicap can also become models. Nika likes Italian food and long walks on the beach. She is a happy-go-lucky young woman who does not deserve to be treated as an outsider and simply labelled as handicapped.