Model Siglind

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Reservar Siglind

  • Licencia Privada: Todos los conjuntos de fotos, videos y descargas de DVD de esta modelo se encuentran disponibles para ser descargados en el Área de Miembros. Por favor inicie sesión a nuestra sección de miembros.
  • Licencia Comercial: Sólo con petición especial con permiso por escrito de la modelo.
    Por favor Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más detalles y para hacerle un presupuesto.

Residencia Germany
Edad 31 Years
Color de Ojos Blue
Color de Cabello Brown
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada Above Knee Amputation
Causa Accident

Siglind is living proof that a handicap can be overcome. Even as a child, Siglind loved horses and it was always her greatest wish to work with them professionally, as a stable hand and later trainer. She pursued her ambition and completed the preliminary training successfully. In 2000, she went to the USA and worked on a ranch in Santa Cruz, with the intention of going on to work with race horses. Her dream was abruptly shattered a year later, when she had a terrible automobile accident. Her right leg had to be amputated at the knee. The only thing she could think about was how long would take before she would be able to ride horses again. But this proved to be an impossible dream. Instead, she re-trained as an office worker, but found this didn’t really suit her lively temperament. She decided on the spur of the moment to emigrate to South Africa and set up a therapeutic riding centre for the handicapped. Through a friend that she met in a South African fitness centre, she discovered an interest in rowing, where she had some early success in competitions for normal athletes. She achieved a third place in the South African Championships and a fourth place in World Cup 2006 in Amsterdam. At this time, she rowed in boats comprised of four rowers and a coxswain. She returned to Germany in 2007 with the intention of qualifying for the Paralympics for mixed two man boats in the TA class (using only arms and upper body). Winning the World Cup in Munich 2008 secured her ticket to Peking at the last minute. In Peking, she managed an excellent third place in the B-Finals with her team partner, Harald Wimmer. When she thinks back on this experience, Siglind says: “I felt like I had won the Gold Medal”.

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