Model Zoe

Si usted es un agente de casting, director de arte, productor de tv o cualquier otro tipo de scout de talento y desea agendar con una de nuestras bellas modelos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros. La mayoría de nuestras modelos se encuentran disponibles para trabajos de modelaje comercial o cualquier tipo de presencia en tv, shows de modas, revistas o eventos. Nuestras modelos son confiables, muy motivadas y están listas para viajar en cualquier momento.

Reservar Zoe

  • Licencia Privada: Todos los conjuntos de fotos, videos y descargas de DVD de esta modelo se encuentran disponibles para ser descargados en el Área de Miembros. Por favor inicie sesión a nuestra sección de miembros.
  • Licencia Comercial: Sólo con petición especial con permiso por escrito de la modelo.
    Por favor Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más detalles y para hacerle un presupuesto.

Residencia Hungary
Edad 25 Years
Color de Ojos Green
Color de Cabello BLonde
Tipo de Extremidad Amputada Above Elbow Amputation
Causa Illness

Zoe was diagnosed with a malignant bone tumor some years ago. But just last year the only alternative left to the doctors was to amputate her right arm above the elbow. She had learned to cope quite well with her amputation. Zoe teaches herself to do everything with her remaining arm. In spite of the severe blow that fate had dealt her, Zoe quickly adjusted to her new situation. Her greatest ambition is to be a model and to take part in a photo-shooting. We were pleased to be able to make this dream come true for Zoe and by taking part in this photo-shooting we were able to open new perspectives for her and help her realise that she is a beautiful young woman with a strong personality and her amputation makes her special in a way that sets her above most ordinary people. By taking part in this photo-shooting she would like to set an example for others in the same circumstances and to show that they shouldn’t hide away or give up, but take on the challenge that life has given them and realise that every twist of fate offers new opportunities and perspectives, if you have the courage to look for them.  By being open and self confident, Zoe has earned our respect and admiration and her amputation ceases to be a handicap and becomes instead the hallmark of a remarkable person. She is a great inspiration for all people with a similar handicap.

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